Today's keep fit feature interview with Oby Nwaogbe

Oby shares how she keeps fit (amidst her busy schedule) with us

Name: Oby Nwaogbe
What do you do to keep and stay fit: I have always been an avid exerciser, meaning I usually don't need an extra push to get moving. In the past I've done Insanity, P90X and worked out twice a day. Currently, I run about 18miles (18km) a week, mostly because I am training for a half marathon. As much as exercise could be and feel like a chore to me at times, it is the only time I have to clear my mind, re-focus and recharge. It is the only time I don't feel any pain... so I keep going.
How often do you work out: Right now I work about 4 times a week, sometimes 5
What keeps you motivated and focused: This might sound vain and shallow, but I workout to look good, and so my clothes still fit me. Vanity wakes me up at 5am to go exercise, so I'll be vain. LOL

Hobbies: Writing, Editing & Producing Videos, Looking for Lucrative Business Ideas, Networking, and Making people feel relaxed and centred through facials, massages and pampering.
What do you eat: I eat a lot of protein from shakes to bars. A lot of lean meat, from fish to goat meat (yes, goat meat is good lean protein). I like Chicken, but not so much of a fan anymore because at some point that's all I ate. Oh and a lot of vegetables too!
Advice to weight watchers: Not sure I'm in the position to advice anyone about weight loss, but I'll say get a lot of rest, eat well, drink plenty of water and eat lots of protein, moderately.
Advice to those wanting to start: Motivation and Inspiration is for Amateurs, if you are reading this and have thought of starting, then you are no longer an amateur, so GET ON IT!
Any other thing you might wish to add: See you all on the Healthy Side (:

Keep well, stay active and please share.


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